Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Wolf built in coffee with open warming drawer

The morning sun peaks through your window, and you roll over in your bed. You smell freshly ground coffee, and you know that a freshly brewed cup is waiting for you downstairs, exactly the way you always order it. Are you living in a coffee shop in your dream? Have you hired a barista to come over and make your coffee? Has your spouse finally learned to speak your love language? No…you decided to install the built-in coffee maker you have always wanted.

Your espresso machine doesn’t need to take up half your counter for you to get the high-quality coffee you love. Now you have the coffee machine built into the wall of almost any room in your house. The top appliance manufacturers have found a way to make your coffee dreams a reality.

Check out some of our favorite features:

  • Grinding element that grinds coffee beans for the freshest taste
  • Programmable options for multiple people to customize their coffee orders
  • Timers that can have your perfect cup ready at the perfect time
  • Self-cleaning and easy to clean features
  • Attachable to your plumbing
  • A cup warming drawer

Stop in today to find out how to get one of these appliances installed in your home. It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.


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