
Peppers & Mushroom Fajitas

Peppers & Mushroom Fajitas

The mouthwatering aroma of veggies and spices cooked to perfection is simply irresistible. We've got a delicious recipe for hot, sizzling fajitas that your whole family will love. Yield: 4 – 6 servings Ingredients 4 bell peppers, sliced (green, red, or yellow)2...

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Wild Salmon Roasted in Foil With Vegetables and Herbs

Wild Salmon Roasted in Foil With Vegetables and Herbs

If you're looking for a tasty, new way to cook salmon, check out this recipe from Wolf. The fresh herbs add just the right amount of flavor to the salmon and vegetables, giving you one delicious meal. Ingredients 2 tablespoons salt1/2 pound baby carrots, peeled1 pound...

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