
How to Enjoy the #LuxuryIce Trend at Home

How to Enjoy the #LuxuryIce Trend at Home

While the word “luxury” typically conjures opulent images of high fashion, fast cars, and perfectly appointed homes, one word it likely does not bring to mind is ice. Until now … A simple search for the phrase “luxury ice trend” reveals that this simple household...

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Buy Fresh, Buy Local

Buy Fresh, Buy Local

There’s nothing quite like spending a Saturday morning at the local farmer’s market, filling a large basket with a carefully chosen assortment of brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Not only does supporting local farmers also benefit the local economy, but it also...

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Innovative Ways to Increase Sustainability at Home

Innovative Ways to Increase Sustainability at Home

As a conscientious consumer, you care about the environment, reducing waste, and cutting down on needless spending. You shop carefully for your major appliances, choosing brands and businesses that treat their employees fairly and strive to have the least...

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The Holidays Are Coming…Are Your Appliances Ready?

The Holidays Are Coming…Are Your Appliances Ready?

The weather is soon changing, and you are making plans. You know who’s invited, and you know the date. But do you know if your appliances are ready? Before your guests arrive, we have a simple checklist for your kitchen appliances. Now is a great time to go through it...

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Optimal Organization Tips for Your Fridge

Optimal Organization Tips for Your Fridge

The refrigerator is not just a closet for your food—it’s a high-tech device that helps store all your food in order to maximize how long you can use it. But, the question is: do you know how to use it? How do you arrange the food in your fridge—for convenience or for...

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Prolong the Life of Your Appliances

Prolong the Life of Your Appliances

It’s no secret that maintaining your appliances is necessary to prolong their life and keep them in good working condition. The start of a new year is a great time to take care of some of these maintenance needs. After all, your appliances have recently been through...

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Ice is Cool. Seriously.

Ice is Cool. Seriously.

Let's face it. Ice is cool, and it really adds a special touch to your chilled beverages. The best mixologists can produce great cocktails, but if the ice is soft, watery, or off-tasting, their skill is for naught. High-quality ice takes your drinks to another level....

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Know Before You Upgrade

Know Before You Upgrade

Knowledge is everything when making major purchases. Conscientious homeowners want value and performance plus the extras that turn chores in the kitchen into enjoyable experiences. To help you get the jump on your research before your kitchen upgrade, here are a few...

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Easy Freeze-y: Enjoy Fresh Fruits and Veggies Year Round

Easy Freeze-y: Enjoy Fresh Fruits and Veggies Year Round

If you find yourself turning down fresh fruits and vegetables that are on sale this summer or delicious extras from a friend’s garden because you can’t use them before they go bad, you need to look into getting a freezer. When you figure out how to preserve the best...

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The Simplest Home Maintenance Checklist Ever

The Simplest Home Maintenance Checklist Ever

Taking care of a home feels like a big job. But we have broken down the list into small segments so that you can know what to do each season. Once a year Flush hot water heaterReview renters or homeowner's insurance and photograph any new items before it's time to...

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