Connected Appliances: Get to Know the Wow Factor

GE connected appliances

Technology is arguably the single most impactful component of modern living. From our phones to our cars, we’re always “connected.” And when done well, technology is so seamlessly entwined in our daily activities that we barely notice how simple it makes our lives. 

Household appliances are increasingly becoming connected as well. But what does that really mean? Let’s take a look at how artificial intelligence, or AI, via connected appliances can make your life simple—and simply amazing!


For some, the term artificial intelligence conjures up doomsday movies where robots ruthlessly overtake the human population to independently run the world. Rest assured, that is not what we’re talking about. In fact, AI in the home is designed to support people and make life easier. Things like robotic vacuums and lawnmowers eliminate the need to perform those mundane household chores. And features like automatic oven pre-heating and load sensors on washing machines and dishwashers make sustainable living a snap.

Indeed, connected appliances eliminate both work and stress, thereby making your life easier and more enjoyable. Pair your appliances and manage them from a single device, either your phone or a digital assistant, such as Alexa or Google Home. Bake with ease with self-sensing ovens for perfect results every time. Get recipe suggestions from your refrigerator, or have the perfect cup of coffee waiting for you when you wake. The options are ever-evolving and increasingly impressive.


Just as your cell phone and smart TV periodically need updates to stay optimized, the same is true for smart appliances. But as long as your appliance is connected to your WiFi network, updates can be done over the air and usually automatically.

Periodic updates to your connected appliances can fix bugs, glitches and other functionality issues you may not even be aware of. They can even add new features, keeping your appliances modern even if they’re no longer brand-new. For instance, one manufacturer rolled out an oven update in May 2021. Owners who had bought WiFi-enabled ovens in the past four years were provided an upgrade that added a No Pre-heat Air Frying feature to their ovens thanks to the over-the-air update. Allowing consumers to enjoy current features without having to upgrade their major appliances is a remarkable benefit of modern technology.


Just a few short years ago, the thought of controlling your thermostat or door locks from hundreds of miles away was unfathomable. Now, this sort of performance is both sought-after and expected. And the same is becoming increasingly true for connected appliances, and with good reason—the features on today’s connected appliances are simply mind-blowing! Modern ovens feature air fryers and self-adjusting temperature probes to ensure meals are cooked to perfection. Refrigerators can keep your shopping list up to date when you’re running low on certain items or recommend recipes based on what ingredients you have on hand. Dishwashers can sense the amount of food left on the dishes or the size of your load and adjust the cleaning cycles accordingly. And in the laundry room, smart features can determine the appropriate length of wash or dry time and even the amount of detergent that’s appropriate for a load. These modern luxury appliances make life’s most tedious tasks easy and, dare we say, enjoyable.


Technology does bring with it the concern for protecting your personal information. But appliance manufacturers work diligently to minimize risks and protect consumers. Additionally, there are several things you can do to protect yourself as well, including:

  • Secure your router. Use strong passwords, change the default name of your router, and use the highest level of encryption.
  • Create strong passwords for each connected device. Most of the connected appliances on the market are controlled by or paired to a mobile app. Use unique, hard-to-guess passwords for each appliance. That way if one does become compromised, the others won’t be affected.
  • Create a separate WiFi network. Most modern routers allow you to set up a guest network. Add your connected appliances to the guest or secondary network. If it does become infiltrated, the data on your primary network will still be safeguarded.

Our appliance experts will be pleased to help you find the ideal connected appliances for your home. Visit Friedman’s to discover just what these next-generation tools can do to make your life easier.


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